Thursday 31 March 2011

How did you attract your audience?

When attracting the audience we wanted to use eye catching effects such as the credits and we wanted to include shots that we would attract our audience also. We designed our credits firstly on Adobe After Effects and used an effect to make the words move which fitted in with the genre of our film. Although we encountered a problem because we could not import the credits into Final Express so we had to design them again on Final Express which meant we could not put moving effects on them but we used what we had and made them look good.
    < First                               Final >

Our plot was also key in attracting our audience as we aimed it at teenagers as it was about a teenage relationship and problems involved in them. Our title Behind Closed Doors gives the audience enigmatic feel as we want to watch to know what is behind the doors. Images used in the film including shots were also aimed at our audience because we wanted to make sure our target audience enjoyed the film, we used my bedroom which is a typically 'girly' room and again the plot and teenage relationshop would appeal to a teenage audience.

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